Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) are the independent regulator of social care and childcare in Wales. They register, inspect and work with settings to improve the quality and safety of the services.


The CIW regulated the following services:

Adult Services

Care Homes, In home support, Adult placements, Residential family centers

Children’s Services

Care homes for children, Fostering services, Adoption services, Advocacy services and Secure accommodation services

Childcare and Play Services

Child minders, Crèches, Full day care, Sessional day care, Out of school care and Open access play provision


The CIW focuses on 5 key values:

Caring: CIW are compassionate and approachable

Fair: CIW are consistent, impartial and inclusive

Integrity: CIW are honest and trustworthy

Professional: CIW are skilled, knowledgeable and innovative

Respect: CIW listen, engage and value people

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For further information on the Care Inspectorate Wales please click here.

You can also use the CIW website to view reports on childcare settings in Blaenau Gwent. Just visit the home page and use the search bar on the page to search for the childcare provision or childminder.