Childcare Offer Wales

Child Care Offer

Under the Childcare Offer for Wales, you could claim up to 30 hours of early education and childcare a week, for up to 48 weeks of the year. 

All parents wishing to receive Childcare Offer for Wales funded childcare will need to apply through the national digital service. The online service is bilingual and can be accessed via a laptop, mobile phone or tablet. 


When applying, you will need:

Your child’s birth certificate  

Proof of address

Proof of household income or enrolment on a higher or further education course


To be eligible for the Offer, each parent must:

Live in Wales

Have a child aged 3 or 4 years’ old?

Earn less than £100,000 per year?

Be employed and earn at least, on average, the equivalent to working 16 hours a week at the National Minimum Wage or Living Wage?

Or be enrolled on either an undergraduate, postgraduate or further education course that is at least 10 weeks in length.


You can check if you’re eligible here.


If you think you are eligible to apply, you can apply here.


If you would prefer to speak to some for help with the childcare offer, you can contact the national help line on: 03000 628 628.